With so many acronyms being invented because of the "cloud" we'd like to explain what SAAS or Software as a Service means and give an example of a splendid use of the concept for auto dealers. At the end of this blog post we have a link to a story on just one dealer who has adopted this solution. In a survey that we did at one of my companies, Microsoft Cloud Services, we started to scan dealership technology and survey how many P.C.s are on the lot inclusive of laptops as well as details like which operating system and version of Microsoft Office they have installed because in our studies the two were a requirement to get business done. We also asked how many unique email addresses are being utilized and what those email addresses are being utilized for. We also asked which provider they used for email services as well as how many mobile devices are in use at the dealership. We have the surveyed information from thousands of dealerships from Digital Dealer, Driv...
This blog is managed by Kevin McMillen, Founder and President of RyanTech. It is a series of informational wins on bringing our customers to the cloud and our engagements with Microsoft and other partners.