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Showing posts from June, 2013

It's not spying for cryin' out loud

For those of you who know me I think it is safe to say that I have earned the ability to post this blog after being involved in technology and privacy since 1992 in a very intimate way.  For those that do not know me I invite you to research if you so choose in order to validate my thoughts. This whole effort to validate privacy and government access is a crock.  The Patriot Act was established long ago and has provided our fine country all access to phone, Internet and financial data since its inception.  If you make a phone call it costs money people, if you send an email that was done on a device or connection that costs money or was transacted for free it is capable of being intercepted by our defense dept. There must be a new incentive/motive for this discussion about privacy and spying that is created by Corporate America.  In the most recent articles I have read I shake my head.  Our government has had this ability for over 12 years and I personally a...