Now, ask me where I spend my every day all day? It's not in my gmail. That said, I've seen and have the metrics to show that there has been a HUGE number of companies or people using gmail as their primary work email address and it's KILLING their ability to get to my inbox. I'm nobody special, just a guy who lives in his inbox buying and selling goods for the better of our company. If you are trying to get INTO my inbox, you're not getting there. It's not working.
This is why I'm writing you this blog to read. Let's see if you do!
I have received, in the last two weeks, in my gmail and my junk mail folder over 1,910 emails from persons with addresses as their sender address and EVERY single one of those I have NOT looked at until my routine today. Everything from singles"blahblah" to furniture"blahblah" and even marketingpro"blahblah"
I did look at emails from "blahblah" and "blahblah" however and either filed them away, swiped them to archive or replied to them. In fact in my usage charts I send and receive OVER 3 times the number of emails every day than the second and third person in my company, COMBINED. The number would blow your mind.
I have rules in my inbox that immediately throw away any email from,, and other freemail programs because they don't belong in my circle of professionals with respect to my work email.
Are you one of the people that are getting ignored in my inbox? We'll help you, just pick a domain name and we'll get you your very own accurately addressed to the inbox/email to me and other folks like me. Reach out to our staff at
Follow us at @ryantechinc on twitter and instagram and @ryantech on facebook or just use #ryantech because #wespeakcloud
Kevin McMillen, Founder
RyanTech Cloud Services
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