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NADA 2015 Words from a Veteran

In my series on the "Road to NADA 2015" I felt I'd share my own personal and professional steps in my preparation for NADA 2015.  This has proven successful year over year and I've certainly done it wrong many times.  This is how we at RyanTech stay focused, driven and WIN at NADA.

1.       Get extra sleep the days coming up to NADA
a.       No shortcuts – this is a very hard show
b.      Continue good sleep patterns aiming to be in your room by no later than 11pm every night
2.       Hydrate exceptionally well the days coming up to the show
a.       Standing on your feet is going to be hard on your body, we need to look sharp
b.      It is almost impossible to NOT drink at this show – alternate water with EVERY single beverage you have.  This also refers to coffee.  Drinking too much coffee in the morning can give you the shakes if not hydrated and that looks bad.
3.       Expect to have to iron and make time for it every night
a.       Over time, we’ve learned, and many of us remember previous shows. Trying to fit everything in the morning of the show dates becomes overwhelming.  When we get into our rooms hopefully between 10 and 11 get that outfit out for tomorrow and inspect it.  We’re looking to present an image that is better, faster, sweeter, leaner, awesome and in this business your “look” is incredibly imperative to pay attention to.  Take a look at your shoes… Can you see your face in those shiny things?
4.       Make it a point to get to the gym every day of the show for AT LEAST 15 minutes
a.       Even if it’s just a walk on the treadmill, your mind will thank you as will your body.
b.      A walk outside prior to getting all polished up is fine too, but read on.
c.       Most of the successful people attending NADA will also be at the gym, it’s a great way to have clean, sober, quick interaction with the leaders in all categories
5.       Leave holes in your schedule
a.       The most important and exciting meetings are going to happen quick and if your schedule is booked too solid you are not going to be able to deliver quality attention and surprise to your potentials
6.       Tell stories in short order
a.       You typically have minutes, not lots of them so have some stories ready in your pocket to gain interest in your presentation.  So many of the people presenting at NADA are horrible presenters and miserable listeners.  Two ears, one mouth and one large brain with a great heart.  You’ll get their attention by using your body as it was designed
7.       Remember your training
a.       We’ve all been through some sort of sales training and we know our strengths.  Read the quick card on recognizing the temperament traits of those you are speaking to, including your peers, so that your 3 – 5 days of gold turn out a big pot of gold at the end of the show
8.       Be respectful of other’s time
a.       Remember that your emergency at any moment is NOT everyone else’s
b.      Stay organized
c.       Share your schedule
d.      Repeat your schedule every day ( people don’t remember YOUR schedule )
9.       Find time for yourself
a.       This is a work show however if you don’t have time to call your family, loved ones and friends it will just cloud your mind.  Put a slot in your daily schedule to make sure you have given to yourself and your loved ones
1.   OPTIONAL: Meditate every day before leaving your room
a.       For those of us that are spiritual, say hi to Buddha, Praise the Lord’s name, Thank your God for all that he/she does in your life
b.      Meditate, this is what I personally do and I spend time focusing on the positive things in my life.  I realize the relationships that I’ve attracted and I visualize my day being totally successful.  I think hard about how great you’all are going to do in the show

a.       Have FUN and represent yourself and the company well.  People are looking at YOU as the icon, that’s why YOU were selected to participate in NADA.

Kevin McMillen
CEO, RyanTech Cloud Services
Executive Sponsor, Authenticom
@ryantechkevin @ryantechinc


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